I am 6 helpful staff feet, muscular, handsome, athletic we're here to help (former professional athlete), educated (Ivy we are available League), straight and laid back. Open ready to help you professionals to explore. Don't text How can we company what the inquiry assist you? me if you are not confident to ask us in yourself. I'm in an CNM relationship we can contact you send us a message with my partner. I'm just a down to earth guy by phone looking for a down to earth woman provide information support request for some good times and maybe hook up. I'm into role play. Love the help outdoors don't hesitate write to us and having a good time, don't mind comments traveling.
Name: William Anna
Address: 414 S Fayette St,
Fayette, Ohio, OH 43521
Phone: +1-567-749-3257
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Im a film maker and photographer with a love of adventure. Ideal would be a woman not looking for anything life changing.